Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Chicago Tribune sees mass exodus of columnists then sends me a subscription increase bill

    Chicago Tribune sees mass exodus of columnists then sends me a subscription increase bill

    It didn’t take long for the buyer of the Tribune to gut the once mighty newspaper. Buyouts were offered and all the columnists that were worth reading took their buyouts. The biggest was John Kass and the latest is Dahleen Glanton. I read them both regularly. Not just to keep tabs on my home town…

  • Researcher discovers scientists aren’t really interested in “The Science”

    Researcher discovers scientists aren’t really interested in “The Science”

    The short of the story is, researcher meets data, researcher publishes paper examining data, researcher gets attacked by scientists, researcher gets dragged through the mud and has to aggressively protect their reputation, and finally researcher becomes jaded and cynical regarding the real motivations of her peers. A naïve researcher published a scientific article in a…

  • News burnout

    News burnout

    U.S. wastes money on unproven drugs when Ivermectin is readily available and cheap, President Biden gets tough on Vladimir Putin, COVID-19 Comedy, Trump is the infection and Biden is gangrene, Juneteenth, Don’t hire Coloradans, CRT in schools, and I went for a hike

  • Update: June 19, 2021 – Nurije Fype continues to improve

    I checked on Nurije Fype’s daughter’s Twitter account today and discovered that there is some good news. Nurije Fype continues to improve and has moved on to a new treatment to aid in her recovery. It seems to me that without a judge ordering the hospital to allow her to be treated with Ivermectin she…

  • German PCR test study reveals 50-75% of people with positive tests are not infectious

    German PCR test study reveals 50-75% of people with positive tests are not infectious

    Once you learn about the PCR test and the results it produces depending on the cycle threshold used you can never look at positive test numbers again without knowing what that threshold number is. Dr. Fauci admitted early on that any cycle threshold over 30 is worthless for determining if someone is infectious. I’ve seen…

  • And now for something completely different

    And now for something completely different

    I like to hike. I like to hike by myself with my dog. I like the process of hiking. I like varied terrain, paying attention to the trail, and listening to the sounds around me. Stopping and looking at things from time to time is okay but I much prefer keeping pace and moving through…