Non-Social in a Socially Networked World
How many more failures can we get from the Biden Administration before the year is out? It’s only been 8 fucking months!
What we have here is a Minaj à Carlson. I rarely hear anything about Nicki Minaj. My news feed and her just don’t cross paths. But this one is pretty good. First she tweets that her cousin’s friend’s balls became swollen after being vaccinated and told people to make their own decision as to whether…
The recall election in California proves that at least 63.9% of the voters are racists. How else can you explain the outcome of the recall election? California had the chance to have their first ever black governor. Instead they chose to keep a white man in office. Where is the equity? Where is the justice?…
I’m sick of hearing the term “reproductive health” used to refer to abortion. The two are diametrically opposed. Everyone knows it but no one is saying it. The news just keeps repeating the bullshit. Let’s go to the wikis! Abortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. Abortion – Wikipedia Reproductive Reproductive…
To me, wind power is one of the dumbest ideas to never die. What is more inconsistent than the wind? Solar comes in second but at least the sun always shines if clouds aren’t blocking the view. Go nuclear already! Embrace the glow. The sudden slowdown in wind-driven electricity production off the coast of the…
13 out of 20 gorillas got infected and the likely superspreader was a fully vaccinated staff member who was also wearing gloves, a mask, and a face shield. Is it obvious yet that there is pretty much no way to stop the spread of this virus? It will work it’s way across the Earth like…
Afghanistan california Cancel Culture Chicago China Climate Change Comedy coronavirus covid-19 Democrats Economics Economy elections Employment Free Speech Georgia google government health Illinois IllinoisExodus inflation Ivermectin liberal Liberty masshysteria Media minimum wage peakstupid Podcasting Podcasts Politics President Biden President Trump Progressives Propaganda Race Racism Republicans russia SARS-CoV-2 science Socialism Social Media Taxes technology US Constitution Vaccine Vice President Kamala Harris Vivek Ramaswamy