Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • SARS-CoV-2 enters the lungs and attacks our blood vessels

    Doctors and scientists are still struggling to figure out what is going on with this virus and why it is killing the people it’s killing. Symptoms are flu-like in the beginning, then pneumonia-like in the middle, but the end result seems to be that those symptoms are deceptive. The virus seems to be causing blood…

  • President Trump doesn’t understand the concept of the “Public Square”

    President Trump today signed an Executive Order that threatens Internet based social networking platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. He says that these platforms are the 21st century equivalent of the public square and that the protections afforded by the First Amendment to the Constitution apply to these companies. He has it totally wrong.…

  • SpaceX puts the US back into the space race today!

    This is the most important thing happening today. I wish for a perfect launch and I’m hopeful for a resurgence of interest in outer space. Let’s get to Mars!

  • Contact Tracing Administration – The future federal waste of tax dollars

    Let’s count the days until the Department of Health and Human Services has a new division called the Contact Tracing Administration. Or, maybe it will fall under the Department of Homeland Security since virus infiltration into the nation is sure to be a national security threat. I can see these agents now showing up at…

  • The word “hero” is too small to describe Tango Mike Mike

    I’m not much of a flag waving guy. I prefer to wave the Constitution because that document is the most important in the history of the world. But today I’m going to wave a flag a little here because it’s Memorial Day and something needs to be said about heroes. The word “hero” has been…

  • Uncle Tom; An oral history of the American black conservative

    The question is will African Americans watch this movie? If they do will they believe its content and/or will it change any minds? The film debuts on June 19, 2020