Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • “The Gestapo came again attacking the Church!”

    The bravest man in all of North America stands up to the Canadian Gestapo… Again. More power to him!

  • It’s time for police to stand down

    After the conviction of Chauvin, the killing of Adam Toledo in Chicago, and the latest shooting by police in Columbus, Ohio I think it’s clear it’s time for police to stand down. I’m not saying quit or get defunded. I’m saying stand down. Do not intervene. Wait for the crime to be committed and come…

  • Tech behemoths battle to wall off podcasting

    Aside from the news up in Minnesota other things are happening in the world and what happened today that has implications for free speech. Apple announced Apple Podcast Subscriptions. The purpose is to compete with Spotify and some of the latest upstarts in the podcast space. This has free speech implications because Apple controls the…

  • Victimhood is the latest trend and half-breeds like me want in

    I read this opinion column in the Chicago Tribune this morning and it sickened me quite a bit. It seems people that are half in and half out of an ethnicity are the Rodney Dangerfields of race. We get no respect. But, honestly, why in the world do half-breeds care? Why in the world do…

  • Who’s at fault Peloton or parents?

    A kid is almost eaten by a Peloton treadmill in the video above. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission put out a warning to consumers to stop using this treadmill. There have been 39 reported incidents of children and pets getting injured and one reported death of a child. The CPSC said it was aware…

  • 1/5th of a second

    That’s the length of time between an empty hand rising and an officer shooting. What decision would you make? The video of the Chicago Police officer shooting Adam Toledo was released. What everyone is showing is the still frame from the video of Toledo’s hand empty just before he was shot. This is being reported…