Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • German PCR test study reveals 50-75% of people with positive tests are not infectious

    German PCR test study reveals 50-75% of people with positive tests are not infectious

    Once you learn about the PCR test and the results it produces depending on the cycle threshold used you can never look at positive test numbers again without knowing what that threshold number is. Dr. Fauci admitted early on that any cycle threshold over 30 is worthless for determining if someone is infectious. I’ve seen…

  • And now for something completely different

    And now for something completely different

    I like to hike. I like to hike by myself with my dog. I like the process of hiking. I like varied terrain, paying attention to the trail, and listening to the sounds around me. Stopping and looking at things from time to time is okay but I much prefer keeping pace and moving through…

  • We should all be against Critical Race Theory in elementary and high school education

    We should all be against Critical Race Theory in elementary and high school education

    I can’t confirm where this video was taken or when. The tweet I found it on said it was from an Illinois school board meeting. It doesn’t really matter where or when this video was taken. What’s important is what this man is saying. I wish more black people would stand up to denounce the…

  • Companies don’t want remote employees from Colorado

    Companies don’t want remote employees from Colorado

    The air might be a little too thin in Colorado. It’s affecting their ability to think clearly. You have to love unintended consequences of stupid laws. Colorado passed a law in an effort to narrow gender wage gaps. They succeeded in spectacular fashion. There is no wage gap if no one is being hired. Big…

  • June 19th or Juneteenth is the wrong day to celebrate the end of slavery in the United States

    June 19th or Juneteenth is the wrong day to celebrate the end of slavery in the United States

    Why do we frequently come up with bullshit made-up holidays? Juneteenth is the wrong day for a holiday that marks the end of slavery in the United States. Here are four reasons why. It is an event local to Glaveston, Texas Kentucky & Delaware still legally held slaves after this date The 13th Amendment to…

  • Warm and fuzzy thoughts for the day

    Warm and fuzzy thoughts for the day

    People keep saying the country is divided and they blame President Trump. In my opinion, Trump was the festering infection that resulted from the virus of progressivism and Biden is like gangrene setting in. We need to chop off a limb or two in order to stop the infection from killing us. If you honestly…