Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Forget 8 months for your COVID-19 booster. It’s been boosted to just 6!

    Forget 8 months for your COVID-19 booster. It’s been boosted to just 6!

    Come get ’em while they last! Next thing you know they’ll be handing you vaccinations like chicklets. Maybe instead of a lollipop when you leave the doctor’s office they’ll just give you a booster jab instead. What happened to following science?!? Federal regulators are likely to approve a Covid-19 booster shot for vaccinated adults starting…

  • Stream of consciousness

    Stream of consciousness

    Episode 16 I’m just throwing a whole bunch of stuff out there because I keep forgetting to podcast. Value 4 ValueListen to this on Podfriend Shownotes Podcasting 2.0 This is a Podcasting 2.0 compatible podcast. This means if you’re listening to this podcast on a Podcasting 2.0 compatible app you’ll…

  • Infrastructure bill requires reporting of names and addresses of parties exchanging cryptocurrency

    Infrastructure bill requires reporting of names and addresses of parties exchanging cryptocurrency

    What is cryptocurrency regulation doing in an infrastructure bill? As far as I can tell crypto is neither a road or a bridge. The crazy overreach in requirements that people exchanging cryptocurrency need report the names and addresses of those doing the exchange? This is required for cash. This regulation is counterproductive and probably unenforceable.…

  • Australia is our future if we don’t do something… now

    Australia is our future if we don’t do something… now

    They are experiencing a full on lockdown police state. Australian authorities are publicly shaming people, issuing warrants for arrest, arresting teens for congregating, fining and ticketing people for not going home, and sending employees home and fining them if they show up to work without their papers. This shit has to stop.

  • Full FDA approval for Pfizer mRNA vaccine on 6 months of data

    Full FDA approval for Pfizer mRNA vaccine on 6 months of data

    Sure…. let’s trust “The Science”. 6 months of data, no control group because they vaccinated the original placebo group in the trial, combined with a waning efficacy after only 8 months means we have the gold standard of all vaccines. What a joke. And the government and the media wonder why people don’t want this…

  • FDA to approve Pfizer vaccine without public review of data

    FDA to approve Pfizer vaccine without public review of data

    So much for following science. Instead the FDA is continuing to follow “The Science’ which is consumed with politics and optics. They will fully approve this drug with no public review of their data after only 6 months of vaccinating the public and are doing it as boosters are now recommended after only 8 months.…