Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Green Bay Packers will sell you a worthless certificate for the low low price of $300 each

    Green Bay Packers will sell you a worthless certificate for the low low price of $300 each

    People living north of the Cheddar Curtain really have to be desperate to pay an NFL franchise $300 for a fake stock certificate that says they own a piece of the team. For a limited time (why they would limit this scam is beyond me) an individual can purchase a “share” of the team for…

  • Facebook advertises against its own vision for the future

    Facebook advertises against its own vision for the future

    Facebook sees a world where you’ll make great friends in the virtual world but hate those same people in the real world. Not only that but Facebook will be the source of that rift. For those that dive in wish you all the misery Facebook wishes to provide.

  • A line needs to be drawn on MAPs

    A line needs to be drawn on MAPs

    What are MAPs you might ask? I had to. This is the acronym people are using for Minor Attracted People. This is an attempt to normalize a mental illness. There must be a line drawn where adults attracted to minors is not normalized or de-stigmatized. If you are sexually attracted to minors, that is to…

  • A regular person’s review of the Pixel 6

    A regular person’s review of the Pixel 6

    I wasn’t going to do it. But I did. I bit the bullet and purchased a Pixel 6 because the battery life on my Pixel 3 is getting to the point where I need to plug it in several times a day and the phone’s hardware feels like it’s getting long in the tooth. After…

  • Taiwan stops 2nd dose of Pfizer BioNTech vaccines for teens due to myocarditis risk

    Taiwan stops 2nd dose of Pfizer BioNTech vaccines for teens due to myocarditis risk

    The science is in! We’re pushing so hard in the United States to give these to kids starting at age 5 while other countries are putting on the brakes. Hong Kong, the UK, and now Taiwan have all recognized the risk is significant for kids especially after that 2nd dose. Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC)…

  • French COVID study showed 60% didn’t know they had it

    French COVID study showed 60% didn’t know they had it

    It’s an illness so dire that you have to be told you had it. That way you can feel bad about it or at least get a t-shirt saying you survived. The Journal of the American Medical Association has another stunning paper out, this one on post-Covid symptoms in almost 27,000 French adults. Researchers asked…