Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Is the Biden Administration purposely trying to weaken the United States?

    Is the Biden Administration purposely trying to weaken the United States?

    President Biden is too dimwitted to know he’s being ushered down the path to American irrelevance. Details of the potential new Saudi-Chinese oil-trading arrangements remain vague. The two sides have talked for years about pricing some oil sales in yuan, and it may not happen. Some 80% of global oil sales are priced in U.S.…

  • State of California raiding preschools and interrogating toddlers for not masking up

    State of California raiding preschools and interrogating toddlers for not masking up

    Not only are they raiding preschools but they are isolating toddlers and questioning them without anyone present. What a beautiful state California has become. Stephanie and Richard Rosado recently told their 4-year-old son about the importance of not talking to strangers. Only days later, state regulators came to the child’s preschool, isolated him in a…

  • Simple chart shows price of gas during the Biden Administration

    Simple chart shows price of gas during the Biden Administration

    UPDATE: I’ve updated this post with data as of October 24, 2022 The chart below shows the price of gas on January 21, 2021, Biden’s first official day in office, and the price of gas on the February 28, 2022, the day Russia invades Ukraine. All the space in between shows the slow and steady…

  • Kamala Harris – the least serious and least consequential Vice President in American history

    Kamala Harris – the least serious and least consequential Vice President in American history

    She acts as if she’s in high school not wanting to answer a question from the teacher. This woman is horrible. Smart pick by President Biden though. No one wants her in office. Every action she takes removes the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment.

  • A nuanced view of the Russian invasion and how it’s going

    A nuanced view of the Russian invasion and how it’s going

    Legacy media is pumping the narrative that the Russian military is incompetent and the invasion was poorly planned. Because media out of Russia has been largely cut off it’s difficult to get other views on how the war is proceeding. Below is a Twitter thread from Bill Roggio. His bio says he’s a Senior Fellow…

  • New York Times discovers COVID-19 protocols prevented nothing

    New York Times discovers COVID-19 protocols prevented nothing

    Government and the media killed common sense before the SARS-CoV-2 reared its ugly head… and the rest is history. The disgusting media back track on the efficacy of COVID-19 safety protocols should ensure you never trust another word from legacy media. This article tries to put infections and deaths in a political frame. This is…