Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • How San Francisco became a Progressive utopia or How San Francisco became a shithole

    How San Francisco became a Progressive utopia or How San Francisco became a shithole

    Nellie Bowles is not a conservative. She is from San Francisco. She wrote a long article in The Atlantic titled, “How San Francisco Became a Failed City”. I think my headline is more accurate, however. The moral relativism of Progressives leads to moral decay and this was proven on the streets of San Francisco. Some…

  • Biden Administration’s attempt to shift blame on baby formula fiasco fails spectacularly

    Biden Administration’s attempt to shift blame on baby formula fiasco fails spectacularly

    The Wall Street Journal just published a story trying to shift the blame for the baby formula shortage from the federal government to Abbott Labs. Maybe Abbott is to blame for problems at their factory but if the story is true it’s proof that federal regulatory agencies knew about the problem since February 2021. They…

  • We should have listened to the X-Files… the truth is out there

    They had so much right all along. Chris Carter must be a time traveler.

  • Democrat Stacey Abrams puts kid at risk for her photo op

    Democrat Stacey Abrams puts kid at risk for her photo op

    I’m not a mask wearer nor do I believe in their effectiveness. But, if someone wants to wear a mask I don’t say anything to them and don’t care if they do. It’s their choice to do what they want when considering their personal risk. Democrat candidate for Georgia governor, Stacey Abrams, is only concerned…

  • Transracial idiot identifies as Korean

    Transracial idiot identifies as Korean

    I heard of this numbskull but didn’t see him until today. The conversation between these two people is the height of ridiculousness. The woman interviewing the transracial idiot makes clear it’s not appropriate. Why? Because white people could claim to be black. And, no matter how much surgery he has or how much of the…

  • The news about the police response in Uvalde keeps getting worse

    The news about the police response in Uvalde keeps getting worse

    “If anything they were being more aggressive on us parents that were waiting to go in there” — Angeli Gomez My first reaction in these situations is to give police the benefit of the doubt. But this story gets uglier and uglier the more we find out. This is from CBS News where they interviewed…