Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • The great unravelling of Chicago

    The great unravelling of Chicago

    An excerpt of a conversation between two Chicagoans on the decline and fall of a once great city. They talk about some of the reasons I left in 2020. I’ll say it again… Chicago and Illinois left me long before I left them. The city of Chicago made me who I am. When I was…

  • Mess with their minds, block puberty, then surgically alter them forever… all before they’re 18

    Mess with their minds, block puberty, then surgically alter them forever… all before they’re 18

    They are mutilating and sterilizing children. How can human beings think this way? What the hell is happening?

  • The world as engineered by Barack Obama

    The world as engineered by Barack Obama

    Most of the turmoil across the world and reported in the news today is a direct result of electing Barack Obama to the Presidency. The Biden Administration is full of Obama retreads and they are continuing the same policies they pushed from 2008 through 2016. They engineered the energy crisis, they interfered in Ukraine, and…

  • Biden Administration announces U.S. alliance with North Korea

    Biden Administration announces U.S. alliance with North Korea

    It’s a brand new day! Peace is breaking out everywhere!

  • U.S. oil reserves at lowest level since 1984. Thanks Joe Biden

    U.S. oil reserves at lowest level since 1984. Thanks Joe Biden

    We better hope there are no further oil shocks across the world. What could go wrong when Joe Biden depletes the nation’s Strategic Oil Reserves? The U.S. Energy Information Administration said Wednesday that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve declined by nearly 7 million barrels in the week ended Sept. 16, leaving it at roughly 427 million…

  • U.S. government panel wants every person under 65 screened for anxiety

    U.S. government panel wants every person under 65 screened for anxiety

    For what reason does the U.S. government want everyone under the age of 65 screened for anxiety? Surely it can’t be so they can fund mass drugging of the population. They created a nation of hypochondriacs with all the COVID hysteria. They gave millions anxiety telling them they were going to die or kill their…