Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Racists within TED almost prevented a talk about Colorblindness from being posted

    Racists within TED almost prevented a talk about Colorblindness from being posted

    Coleman Hughes gave a TED talk about race. It was about how a color blind society is better than one that only sees color. You can agree or disagree with Hughes but you shouldn’t have the power to prevent him from saying it. And TED… of all places… this vaunted paragon of ideas, has a…

  • Vivek Ramaswamy refines his message and platform

    Vivek Ramaswamy refines his message and platform

    This is as concise as I’ve seen his platform speech. It’s boiled down to an easy 36 minutes but doesn’t skimp on the meat of the presentation. I think the more he hones this message the better his campaign is going to be. He did this at the Michigan GOP Leadership Conference just a few…

  • Sats and Sounds – Episode 6 – 2023.09.25

    The next episode of my short three track podcast is up! This week it’s a single artist with some catchy poppy tunes. Sats and Sounds – Episode 6 – 2023.09.25 Listen to it with Podfriend. But first, set up your Alby account so you can link it to Podfriend and send sats while you listen.…

  • Sats and Sounds Episode 3 – 2023.09.04

    Sats and Sounds Episode 3 –  2023.09.04

    I’m not a DJ and I never played one on TV. Never the less, I launched a new web site and podcast called Sats and Sounds. Every week I play three songs that are Value4Value enabled. It’s a quick hit three track listen with independent artists you may not have heard before. They’re songs I…

  • If you truly believe in small government how can you not support Vivek Ramaswamy

    If you truly believe in small government how can you not support Vivek Ramaswamy

    I’ve been consuming everything I can on Vivek Ramaswamy because I’m naturally skeptical. This is especially true with a guy from Harvard and Yale that seemingly came out of nowhere. Today he reiterated how he plans to dramatically reduce the size and scope of the Executive Branch of the United States. The administrative state has…

  • Vivek “like cake” Ramaswamy

    Vivek “like cake” Ramaswamy

    Vivek Ramaswamy posted his own fact check page. And it’s pretty good. It rebuts almost all the criticisms Ramaswamy has been getting since his breakout debate performance. I hope his campaign keeps it updated because I’m sure more knives are going to come out. Value4Value Vivek Ramaswamy Fact Check Page. I know people are suspicious…