Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • The latest Trump controversy is another non-controversy

    First, here’s the video all the media is talking about but won’t show you. At least until YouTube takes it down. Now, here’s a link to an article from that tells you the truth about where the video was shown and how it probably wasn’t seen by too many people. I’m sure more people…

  • If MLB batters hit more home runs but no one is there to see it does the ball leave the park?

    MLB batters, in 2019, set a home run record knocking 6,106 baseballs out of the park as of yesterday… and the season isn’t quite over. The game was changed over the years to facilitate more scoring and more home runs. The theory was that more scoring makes a more exciting game and a more exciting…

  • Words apparently hurt as much as Sticks and Stones

    By now, if you’ve been paying, you may have heard the controversy over Dave Chappelle’s Netflix comedy show, “Sticks and Stones”. If you haven’t you should first watch the show and then look up all the commentary. From the title to the content and from beginning to end that one comedy show exposes the sad…

  • Google continues down the path to shitty search

    I stopped using Google for my everyday search a long time ago. As the years rolled on I started to find that their search engine was trying to be too smart. I use Gmail and an Android phone and increasingly my search results were either what Google’s algorithm thought I wanted versus what I was…

  • What’s happening in Hong Kong is simply amazing

    This could never happen in the United States. Hong Kong had an estimated 1.7 million people out marching in the streets… PEACEFULLY. If this took place anywhere in the states I doubt that it could go off in such a manner. There are too many trouble makers here, on both sides of every issue, and…

  • Mythological Woodstock never existed

    I grew up hearing about Woodstock and always thought it to be a crock of crap. Knowing the Baby Boomers as I do I knew there was no way in hell it was anywhere near the event they believed it to be. It was all myth or in the lexicon of today, “Fake News.” This…