Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • FDA approves drugs on an honor system

    I just learned something new today. I wonder if this was always true or if it is a relatively new thing. Here’s a clip from the Low Carb MD podcast where they interview Katherine Eban. She’s an investigative journalist.

  • A very French protest

    If there is one thing you can count on from the French people is an entertaining protest. A flash mob at Gard du Nord performed a catchy tune protesting mask wearing and soul crushing lockdowns. Vive la France!

  • I guess Amazon isn’t the terrible workplace the media and labor unions make it out to be

    Amazon’s PR says it’s not a win for Amazon. What can be said is this vote was a huge defeat for labor unions. The way this thing was hyped up I was sure it was going to go in the union’s favor. But, 71% against?!? That’s a giant slap in the union’s face. Workers at…

  • Biden to convene panel to consider court packing

    For everyone who thinks Joe Biden is capable of holding off the progressive hoard. This just in! President Biden on Friday will order a 180-day study of adding seats to the Supreme Court, making good on a campaign-year promise to establish a bipartisan commission to examine the potentially explosive subjects of expanding the court or…

  • Science is creating vampires to stave off aging

    First they started with mice. The infusion of new blood led to a threefold increase in the number of new nerve cells generated in the brains of the elderly mice. But that was not the only revelation. He had already shown that the young members of the conjoined old-young mouse pairs generated far fewer new…

  • Doctors trained via video game

    This can’t be good. Of course I’m exaggerating a bit… but only a bit. Doctors are being trained using virtual rather than actual cadavers. For generations, medical students were initiated to their training by a ritual as gory as it was awe-inducing: the cadaver dissection. Since at least the 14th century, physicians have honed their…