Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • There is a new name for pedophiles… MAPs

    There is a new name for pedophiles… MAPs

    Maybe it’s not so new but today is the first time I heard this term. It’s quite disgusting to think there are people trying to soften the image of pedophiles. Are we at the point in our society where the only thing repugnant is to be a conservative Christian Republican? This is truly fucked up.…

  • This act of violence obviously caused by White Supremacy

    If White people weren’t so racist this guy wouldn’t have to cold cock this poor Asian woman just walking down the street in NYC. Stop being so racist you White Supremacists!

  • Biden Administration imported oil from Iran in March

    Biden Administration imported oil from Iran in March

    This is a WTF moment. Biden shuts down oil production in the United States and makes it more difficult to transport it across the country but then purchases oil from Iran.?? I guess it’s less transparent than when President Obama gave them cash. The United States imported a rare cargo of 1.033 million barrels of…

  • Micro aggression bullshit

    Micro aggression bullshit

    This opinion piece in The Atlanta Journal really frosts my ass. It’s called, “What fuels anti-Asian hate”. This Asian woman needs some therapy. She is finding insult and racism in absolutely everything. If I were 100% white and knew her personally I would shun her immediately and refuse to associate with her. She racist against…

  • When equity goes wrong

    When equity goes wrong

    Spain is trying their hand at wokeness. They produced some stamps that come in an array of shades of darkness. From black to a light brown. The attempt is to highlight the disparities with people’s skin color and how it can lead to inequities. State-owned Correos España this week issued a set of four stamps…

  • Illinois sees increase in tourism… abortion tourism

    Illinois sees increase in tourism… abortion tourism

    Well… at least someone is coming into the state. How gruesome is it that Illinois is home to abortion tourism? It’s also on the rise. Everyone is concerned about saving the elderly from COVID-19 but no one is concerned about the number of abortions performed in the United States every single year. We talk a…