Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • CNN finally catching up to the science on COVID-19

    CNN finally catching up to the science on COVID-19

    Better late than never?? CNN is finally reporting that obesity is a major risk factor when it comes to severe COVID-19. Anyone who paid attention to the actual science new this March or April 2020. It was certainly known by May of 2020 because I took the Contact Tracing training and it was in their…

  • Back to RSS

    Back to RSS

    We need to get away from the social media platforms and get back to RSS. The web and the Internet are the platforms. RSS is the protocol for the decentralization everyone craves.

  • People hating the snow that will hit Chicago today can take comfort I’m in pain because I’m missing it

    People hating the snow that will hit Chicago today can take comfort I’m in pain because I’m missing it

    I always looked forward to winter. I love the snow. My dog loves the snow. Today as it hits 70 F in the Atlanta area while Chicago gets hit with maybe a half a foot of snow, everyone that hates snow can take some comfort knowing I’m in pain I’m missing it.

  • Oy with the “Flurona” already!

    Oy with the “Flurona” already!

    Just please stop. Enough! Flu-fucking-rona??? When you read the story you’ll discover that the flurona victim wasn’t sick and didn’t know she had anything. She’s a “new mother”, which tells me she was there to give birth or some other reason related to having a baby. The article never elaborates. The world’s first known case…

  • San Francisco crime, government ineptitude, business hostility, and anti-success mentality forces SFO lover to leave for greener pastures

    San Francisco crime, government ineptitude, business hostility, and anti-success mentality forces SFO lover to leave for greener pastures

    His entire blog post is a good read and should be a lesson to everyone living in blue states that you need to change. For purple states the message is this is what’s coming. For red states the message is hold the line because the rest are collapsing under their own weight. On the one…

  • Economic professor suggests price controls to curb inflation

    Economic professor suggests price controls to curb inflation

    Talk about idiotic. How do these people get economic degrees, let alone a professorship in the subject, when they have nonsense ideas like price controls. Today, there is once more a choice between tolerating the ongoing explosion of profits that drives up prices or tailored controls on carefully selected prices. Price controls would buy time to deal…