Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Surface Windows 8 Pro 128 GB Review Part 2 – Software

    Overall impressions: This is a device that should have come out 2 years ago. It feels like it’s behind because the tablet aspect of Windows 8 isn’t complete and it tries to trap me in the Microsoft/Windows universe. I mostly live in Google’s world now and there aren’t the necessary apps available on the tile…

  • My Surface Pro Has Arrived

    UPS just delivered my Surface Pro 128. A day early too! This is as far as my un-boxing goes as I will wait until I get home to dive into the machine.

  • I Have Invites

    If anyone that follows me knows what is and wants an invite I have five. Let me know on facebook or Twitter and I’ll send it out.

  • Everyone Should Learn to Code

    Everyone Should Learn to Code

    I started learning to program computers in BASIC way back around 1981. I had an Atari computer hooked up to my 13″ color TV. My storage medium was a cassette tape (just like the kind we used for music). I spent hour upon hour learning how to make the computer do the things I wanted…

  • Surface Windows 8 Pro 128 GB Review Part 1 – Pre-conceived Notions

    Surface Windows 8 Pro 128 GB Review Part 1 – Pre-conceived Notions

    The first part of this review are my pre-conceived notions about the Surface Windows 8 Pro 128 GB (from here on out I will call it the Surface Pro) and Windows 8. These are my opinions based on the plethora of blog posts and reviews about the Surface Pro and Microsoft’s latest version of the…

  • Update to My Samsung Galaxy S III Review

    I posted a review of the Samsung Galaxy S III a little over a month ago. My initial reaction was that I was fairly impressed but not overwhelmed by anything. Overall I felt it was a good upgrade of hardware and software but not anything spectacular. What’s changed in a month’s time is my impression…