Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • I’m off the Brave Browser

    I used the Brave Browser for about a year and I really wanted to keep using it because it was great at blocking ads, offered very secure browsing, and it was fast. But, there was one problem that kept creeping up that ultimately made me switch to Firefox. The problem is sync. I use multiple…

  • Green Energy seems to be an “Exercise in magical thinking”

    The entire thing is a long read but read it you must. Here’s some of what you’ll learn and this is just from the executive summary. $1 million invested in green energy only produces 50 million kWh over 30 years while $1 million invested in fossil fuel produces 300 million kWh over 30 years. Solar…

  • Today you can call me Grampy!

    Today you can call me Grampy! Happy birthday Lucille.

  • Switching to the Brave Browser

    There’s a new web browser in town and it’s name is Brave. I discovered this relatively new web browser listening to some podcasts and decided to try it out. It’s fantastic. It’s light, it’s fast, and it blocks ads and tracking natively. The picture shows how many trackers and ads that were blocked just from…

  • Hyperloop technology should be for freight not people

    Hyperloop technology should be for freight not people and the reason is that a hyperloop is really nothing more than an oversized enormous pneumatic tube kind of like the one you use at a bank to make your deposits at the drive through. It’s a point to point technology and once constructed not flexible. Think…

  • I miss the old Microsoft and the old days of computing

    Everybody DOS now!