Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Say hello to the noncitizen nonimmigrant. Aka tourists.

    Say hello to the noncitizen nonimmigrant. Aka tourists.

    Word salad. Also are American taxpayers on the hook for noncitizen nonimmigrant vaccinations? “This proclamation governs the entry into the United States of noncitizen nonimmigrants — that is, noncitizens who are visiting the United States or otherwise being admitted temporarily — traveling to the United States by air. It suspends the entry of unvaccinated noncitizen…

  • Heartbreaking video from wife of 45 yr old FBI agent who died 24 hours after 1st vaccination

    Heartbreaking video from wife of 45 yr old FBI agent who died 24 hours after 1st vaccination

    And we want to force people to get this thing? Who will be responsible if someone got vaccinated and was injured or died from a coerced vaccination? President Biden liked to talk about empty chairs at the Thanksgiving table. Well, that’s exactly what this wife is now facing this holiday season. While it’s true he…

  • Voluntary population reduction. A propagandist success story.

    Voluntary population reduction. A propagandist success story.

    It’s hard to control people. It’s even harder when there are a lot of them. When it does succeed it has historically ended in famine, mass illness, death, and revolution. Trying to control massive numbers of people never ends well. There has been a push for a long time to institute population control. Abortion is…

  • 3 minutes Tampa up 7 – 0 on the Bears. It’s going to be a long game. #Bears #ChicagoBears #FireNagy

  • Will PuppyGate take down Dr. Anthony Fauci?

    Will PuppyGate take down Dr. Anthony Fauci?

    I was going to blog this story when I found out about it early Saturday morning but because I don’t blog much during the weekend I just let it sit. It’s always nice to be the first out of the box but I rightly guessed others would jump on this because it’s too sensational to…

  • God has plans to power wash the west coast

    God has plans to power wash the west coast

    With all the crap happening in Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco it appears God has decided to give the place a power wash. Here comes the “Bomb Cyclone” and a rushing “Atmospheric River”. Get read for snow, rain, and high winds! Hey, you were all complaining about the drought. Well, here’s the answer to your…