Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Major incident at the White House

    It’s a corny headline… but so what! Say it ain’t so Joe! President Biden abandons dogs and sends them back to Delaware. The two German Shepherds belonging to President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were returned to the Biden family home in Delaware last week after aggressive behavior at the White House involving Major Biden, two…

  • If I had to work via Zoom

    I can barely use a cell phone with all the digital compression. I can’t imagine how bad it would be on a video call.

  • Some Georgia Republicans think they’ll gain votes by being spineless

    The mistake Republicans make is thinking that moderating their views will win over people that are not inclined to vote for them. I don’t think this has ever happened in the history of politics. I like to vote for people who have a set of principles and they try to stick to those principles even…

  • Pet Communicators… proof some people have more money than sense

    Holy moly. If this isn’t further proof that we are ripe to be conquered. Ms. O’Hara, who lives in Eugene, Ore., has a three-week waiting list for appointments and counts more than 10,000 animals among her clients. Last month, she gave a woman the hard news that the family dog preferred to live with her…

  • You might be a Covidphobe

    How do you know if you’re a Covidphobe? If you are alone in a field with no one around for more than 100 feet and you have your mask on… you might be a Covidphobe If you fantasize about the day your number is called to get the vaccine… you might be a Covidphobe If…

  • Is Kamala Harris the Angel of Death?

    Have we ever seen a Vice President hover behind a President like this? It’s like she’s standing there, at the ready, the moment Biden collapses at a press conference. Either that or she’s holding the remote control that keeps Biden on track. What’s with her?