Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

  • Biden’s cheat sheets are a non-issue

    I think we should be way more concerned about how he drones on and on and in some spots totally looses his train of thought in mid-sentence. It seems to me that he is obviously suffering from mild dementia. I still think Biden isn’t going to make it to the end of the year. In…

  • China understands that cheap energy is necessary for prosperity and dominance

    The Paris Climate Accord is a farce. It’s a farce because China supports it. China supports it because it handcuffs the United States and allows China to catch up both economically and militarily. Why Europeans want this is beyond my comprehension. China is building coal fired electricity plants at a massive rate. An article by…

  • Elon Musk trolls the world

    At least he’s a little funny while enjoying our taxpayer dollars.

  • Seems all gun nuts aren’t racist white guys

    Say hello to Rico Marley. It was reported he walked into an Atlanta Publix grocery store carrying two rifles, 4 hand guns, and wearing body armor. Police were called to the grocery store on Atlantic Drive just after 1:30 p.m. Wednesday and met with a manager who told them a man came in with a…

  • Sanitize your hands with a side of cancer

    While the news is making a bit of a deal about this I don’t think it’s all that big a threat. One, I don’t use hand sanitizer. And two, the problem is not widespread. The real kicker to me is did anyone know the FDA changed its regulations allowing more of the cancer causing chemical…

  • Navy concerned China will move on Taiwan… soon

    We sold them a lot of military hardware recently but none of that will be able to stop China from taking over Taiwan. The only country standing in the way has been the United States. With the election of President Biden the drumbeats are getting louder that China will move on Taiwan. Crossing the Formosa…