Tag: peakstupid
Pfizer makes this Halloween potentially the scariest of all time
Pfizer seeks to fast track the vaccine for children. Let’s take an illness that barely affects children and inject them with something that is a Frankenstein monster of a vaccine. The mRNA vaccine is not natural. It’s totally artificial. It’s a franken-vaccine the way Beyond Meat makes franken meat. Sure, the parts may all originate…
Damning letter from 1988 against Anthony Fauci and his blocking of treatment for AIDS
The Village Voice reprinted an article from May 31, 1988. It’s a scathing rebuke of Anthony Fauci and his blocking of treatments for AIDS while pushing AZT. Does this sound familiar? Fauci is a bad actor. This guy needs to go. Our government is filled with guys like this in all the regulatory agencies. We…
Trillion dollar platinum coin to avert debt ceiling issue? Heck print 100 of those puppies!
In the latest round of stupidity and proof our money isn’t worth anything other than what the government says it’s worth, a former director of the U.S. Mint says the United States could just create a trillion dollar coin as a bridge loan to avert a debt ceiling crisis. They should just print 100 of…
Coca-Cola wants to hug you with “Real Magic”
Coca-Cola’s new “brand platform” called Real Magic and their new “hug” logo needs a kick in the ass.
We’re jabbing people all wrong. Improper vaccine injection technique may be causing myocarditis.
Here’s a bit of disturbing news. The CDC, the WHO, and the UK specifically do not require vaccinations to be performed according to manufacturers recommendations. The vaccines are supposed to be injected into the muscle and Pfizer and Moderna specifically say to avoid injecting into veins. There is a simple technique shown at the very…
Nicki Minaj and Tucker Carlson… bizarre bed fellows
What we have here is a Minaj à Carlson. I rarely hear anything about Nicki Minaj. My news feed and her just don’t cross paths. But this one is pretty good. First she tweets that her cousin’s friend’s balls became swollen after being vaccinated and told people to make their own decision as to whether…