Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: government

  • Inconvenient statistics on crime, policing, and the black community

    When emotion is brought into public policy we can count on bad things happening. Looting and rioting are doing damage to the argument for the need to reform policing. Is it bringing attention to it? Yes. But, not the kind of attention that is needed. In the cold world of statistics we have these facts:…

  • President Trump doesn’t understand the concept of the “Public Square”

    President Trump today signed an Executive Order that threatens Internet based social networking platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. He says that these platforms are the 21st century equivalent of the public square and that the protections afforded by the First Amendment to the Constitution apply to these companies. He has it totally wrong.…

  • Contact Tracing Administration – The future federal waste of tax dollars

    Let’s count the days until the Department of Health and Human Services has a new division called the Contact Tracing Administration. Or, maybe it will fall under the Department of Homeland Security since virus infiltration into the nation is sure to be a national security threat. I can see these agents now showing up at…

  • Scared of what is not dangerous

    We’re now reaping what we have sowed. Anti-bullying, participation trophies, helicopter parents, no keeping score, no more valedictorians, safe spaces, cancel culture, and on and on and on. We’ve been softened to the point where we are scared of things that aren’t dangerous. We have met the boogeyman and he is us. Imagine if an…

  • Confirmed: SARS-CoV-2 no more infectious than Influenza

    I found out about a free course offered by Johns Hopkins University to get certified to be a Contact Tracer. In the course they discuss the basics of the virus and its infectiousness. According to Johns Hopkins University SARS-CoV-2 (which causes the disease COVID-19) is NO MORE INFECTIOUS THAN SEASONAL INFLUENZA (See area circled in…

  • What happened to the ACLU?

    This is the organization that used to stand up for due process and defend the rights of even the worst people. If you were looking for more evidence that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has been losing its principled approach to civil liberties, look no further: The group has filed suit to thwart Education…