President Obama’s economy was excruciatingly slow and stagnant for the lower 99% of the country. That’s the reason shortly after Trump was elected in 2016 that the stock market took off like a rocket and the U.S. economy’s growth accelerated. There was all this pent up demand and the entire US economy gave a huge exhale of relief once President Obama was gone.
It was best put in the Wall Street Journal today:
The Obama-Biden policy mix of easy monetary policy, higher taxes and hyperregulation skewed economic gains toward highly educated workers in industries such as tech and finance at the expense of other workers; toward asset owners at the expense of labor income; and toward larger companies at the expense of smaller. These inequities began to unwind under the Trump Administration.
The Wall Street Journal
Biden is proposing to do far worse than President Obama. The tax and regulatory regime that would come down on the population due to the socialist/environmentalist faction of the Democrat Party will suffocate the country. I can almost feel the stock market crashing upon a Biden win. Employment and salaries will return to stagnation or maybe even deflation. You can’t hire more people if you must pay them $15.00/hour.
Foreign Policy
The Democrats love to say that Trump “cozies” up to dictators. I’ve seen no evidence of it. I wondered how after Trump was elected that suddenly Russia became an enemy of the U.S. We were actively contracting with them to send astronauts to space. How do you trust them with the lives of your astronauts if they are your enemy?
If there was a problem with Russia it happened under President Obama. His constant “red lines” that he would draw and then do nothing once the line was crossed. No one feared what Obama would do and therefore just did whatever they wanted. Just ask Ukraine.
President Trump has put the world on notice that he would not allow them to walk all over us and use us as the world’s piggy bank and the world’s cop. China is especially aware of this now and would certainly welcome a more friendly Joe Biden as president. Under Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, China was allowed to steal the United States blind.
Before President Clinton the Chinese could not launch a rocket. Clinton relaxed the regulations on the export of technology and shortly thereafter the Chinese are launching satellites into orbit. Add to that U.S. high tech companies using cheap Chinese labor to manufacture high tech products allowed the Chinese to gain knowledge into how to build all kinds of devices.
Did the tariffs hurt the U.S.? Yes. But Trump is playing the long game here. The short term pain we feel will turn into a long term gain once the relationship regarding trade is set to a more reasonable level. I’m not talking about trade deficits either. Those are nothing but political fakery. I’m talking about countries like China that restrict U.S. companies’ entry to their market while we freely allow there companies to enter ours. There needs to be more openness to let the companies compete. If they restrict our businesses then we must restrict theirs in the same manner.
The Judicial Branch
Enough can’t be said about judicial appointments. For far too long the courts have been packed with left leaning activist judges. And the Supreme Court needs to be rebalanced so we can get away from these 5-4 decisions. If Biden is elected I believe almost immediately Justice Ginsburg will retire allowing Biden his first pick. There is no way a President Biden is going to appoint a judge that will adhere to the Constitution. He will do as he did with his pick for a running mate. He’ll have this political identity checklist of all the things a person must be to be appointed that has nothing to do with the law or the Constitution.
I didn’t vote for President Trump in 2016. On a personal level I don’t like him and never did. But, in 2020 President Trump has my vote.
I don’t pay attention to what politicians say. Instead I watch what they do. President Obama would tell you that he’s going to do the things that help average everyday people and the poor. Instead just about every action he took did the exact opposite. It resulted in almost a decade of just feeling like nothing good was going to happen and we had to live in this “new normal”. Trump, on the other had, says all kinds of stuff that I don’t agree with or that I think would be better off unsaid. But, his actions on things that matter helped the country a great deal. It helped all the country and not just the wealthiest at the top.
Once we get on the other side of COVID-19 hysteria a Trump presidency is the best chance we have of crawling out of the muck and mire of lockdown. Biden, on the other hand, will lock us all down on the advice of some unelected bureaucrat. Our lives can’t afford a President like that.