Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: Economics

  • Inflation in reality explained

    Inflation in reality explained

    Creating $5 trillion out of thin air devalues your money. It’s as easy to understand as a diluted glass of tea. The Federal Reserve financed $5 trillion of debt by printing money. This resulted in a dilution of the value of money, causing inflation. Printing money out of thin air is poison to an economy.…

  • Krispy Kreme to save $2 million a year reducing manual labor

    Krispy Kreme to save $2 million a year reducing manual labor

    $15 per hour is a great wage if there will be an entry level job open to pay it. Just wait until this automation catches up with all those Starbucks employees joining labor unions. Machines don’t sleep, don’t complain, don’t need healthcare, don’t show up late, and rarely make mistakes. The “fight for fifteen” will…

  • Shortage of everything except bad government policies

    Shortage of everything except bad government policies

    You’ve most likely heard we have a shortage of baby formula, nurses, teachers, and such. But did you know there is a shortage of accountants, Amoxicillin, diesel fuel, natural gas, jet fuel, Adderall, veterinarians, Thanksgiving turkeys, and bus drivers? Go to Google News, search “shortage”, and scroll through the ugly truth. Who would’ve thought shutting…

  • Price of July 4th BBQ in 2022 up almost 21%

    Price of July 4th BBQ in 2022 up almost 21%

    Remember when good ole Joe told us we were saving $0.16 on our July 4th BBQ in 2021? In case you don’t remember here’s the tweet. So, what is the story for 2022? According to a story in Marketwatch the price of your BBQ this year is up almost 21%! A new study from the Political…

  • President Biden to release 9 days’ worth of oil from strategic reserves… over the next 6 months

    President Biden to release 9 days’ worth of oil from strategic reserves… over the next 6 months

    It’s time we stop pretending releasing oil from strategic reserves does anything other than make people think something is being done. The United States consumes over 20 million barrels of oil per day. The United States consumes an average of 20.6 million barrels of oil a day. Forty percent of that — 9.1 million barrels — is…

  • Economic professor suggests price controls to curb inflation

    Economic professor suggests price controls to curb inflation

    Talk about idiotic. How do these people get economic degrees, let alone a professorship in the subject, when they have nonsense ideas like price controls. Today, there is once more a choice between tolerating the ongoing explosion of profits that drives up prices or tailored controls on carefully selected prices. Price controls would buy time to deal…