Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: coronavirus

  • Biden & Harris are absent from weekly COVID-19 task force meetings

    The governors of all 50 states have a weekly meeting with the White House COVID task force. They’ve been doing this since it was formed. Seems the task of protecting America from the dreaded SARS-CoV-2 virus is taking a back seat in the new administration. I can understand if President Biden isn’t in on the…

  • If Hollywood celebrities think this is a good idea it has to be GREAT

    I thought it was an April Fool’s joke until I saw this video was uploaded in January. Looks like a money making certification scheme. Enroll your business today!!

  • Kemp whiffs on opening Georgia

    Middle of the road Republicans are always a problem. This is loser behavior. You can’t appease your enemies. They won’t vote for you anyway. All you do with a middle of the road stance is piss off your allies. The governor signed an executive order that as of April 8 ends a ban on large gatherings, eliminates…

  • The COVIdiot mask

    Now they’re just fucking with us. Just when you think things can’t get more dumb. This was in a tweet from CBS News.

  • Fauci not so feckless under Biden Administration protections

    Dr. Fauci is now feeling his oats. He’s a bad actor and does not have the public’s best interest in mind. This guy has to go. Rand Paul to Dr. Fauci: You’ve been vaccinated and you parade around with two masks for show Oh… and Rand Paul for President!

  • Florida proves schools are not superspreaders

    Let’s file this under… DUH! Public-health specialists point to a few possible explanations for the success. Many schools adhered as best they could to guidance on mask-wearing, social distancing, contact tracing and quarantining. Given that adherence has been uneven, though, another likely reason is that young children don’t transmit the virus efficiently, said Eric Toner,…