Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: President Biden

  • What would the old SNL do with this?

    I saw this video of Biden climbing the steps of Air Force One and was reminded of the sketches SNL did back in the 1970’s. I watched the clip below, which is funnier than anything done today, and noticed how the show lampooned everything about a debate between President Gerald Ford and Governor Jimmy Carter.…

  • Who is our President again?

    At the 4:58 minute mark Biden reveals who is really President of the United States. Biden seems like he can barely breathe any more.

  • President Biden was not green screened

    As much fun as I would like it to be for Biden to have used green screen and special effects to show he’s out and about, this one simply isn’t true. Here is the original angle from The Hill’s Twitter post. Pay close attention to the microphones and President Biden’s hand. It looks like he’s…

  • Puppet masters and the puppet

    It is abundantly clear that Schumer, Pelosi, and Harris are the puppet masters that keep Joe Biden moving. It’s almost as if you can see them pulling the strings on his back. I don’t think Joe Biden will make it through the year before they cut his strings and we have the first woman president,…

  • President Biden lied comparing COVID-19 deaths to World Wars and 9/11

    I didn’t watch live because honestly is Biden really alive? But seriously folks, I saw a few news reports about this address to the nation by our very sleepy president. He started out the first two minutes with an outright lie. He claimed there were 527,726 deaths due to COVID-19. He then claimed it was…

  • Major incident at the White House

    It’s a corny headline… but so what! Say it ain’t so Joe! President Biden abandons dogs and sends them back to Delaware. The two German Shepherds belonging to President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were returned to the Biden family home in Delaware last week after aggressive behavior at the White House involving Major Biden, two…