Tag: peakstupid
Alcohol kills more people than COVID-19 in ages 16 to 64
Dr. Leana Wen, the woman who sounds like Asian reporter Tricia Takanawa from Family Guy, writes an Op-Ed in the Washington Post about pandemic drinking. At the start of the column she releases this tidbit of information. A new study from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) finds that alcohol-related deaths in 2020 were…
Did you know women can impregnate other women?
In 2022 women literally do everything a man can do! Hooray for women’s liberation, equality, equity, and all that jazz. Two women at New Jersey‘s only all-women’s prison have both fallen pregnant after having sex with transgender inmates. The pregnant women, who were not identified, are housed at the embattled Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, in…
Fauci understands science from time to time
This guy has flip flopped so many times now on infections and vaccinations that it’s worthless to listen to another word he says.
State of California raiding preschools and interrogating toddlers for not masking up
Not only are they raiding preschools but they are isolating toddlers and questioning them without anyone present. What a beautiful state California has become. Stephanie and Richard Rosado recently told their 4-year-old son about the importance of not talking to strangers. Only days later, state regulators came to the child’s preschool, isolated him in a…
Simple chart shows price of gas during the Biden Administration
UPDATE: I’ve updated this post with data as of October 24, 2022 The chart below shows the price of gas on January 21, 2021, Biden’s first official day in office, and the price of gas on the February 28, 2022, the day Russia invades Ukraine. All the space in between shows the slow and steady…
Kamala Harris – the least serious and least consequential Vice President in American history
She acts as if she’s in high school not wanting to answer a question from the teacher. This woman is horrible. Smart pick by President Biden though. No one wants her in office. Every action she takes removes the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment.