Tag: peakstupid
FDA leaders resign over White House vaccine meddling
Vaccines aren’t political… until they aren’t. The CDC and the White House seem to be getting in front of the science rather than following it. Maybe the science isn’t going where they want it to go? A former senior FDA leader told Endpoints that they’re departing because they’re frustrated that CDC and their ACIP committee…
Neil Oliver and the fall of the Western World
His segment is properly titled, “Western Madness”. We are witnessing the fall of the Western World. The West gave the world modern governments ruled by the people. Governments that were originally designed to protect personal liberty and property… the pillars of a free society. Oliver takes a walk through where we are today in 2021…
Study: Infection survival rate for those under 70 years old is more than 99%
Can we stop playing vaccine and masking games now? Please? Enough is enough. This is one statistic that hasn’t changed in the slightest from the beginning of the pandemic. People under the age of 70 have an over 99% infection survival rate. This is not to say you won’t have long COVID and it’s not…
Chicago mother’s joint custody of son ripped away by Cook County Illinois judge because she is not vaccinated against COVID-19
Does anyone still believe we are not living in a dystopian nightmare? Cook County judge James Shapiro asked a mom if she was vaccinated during a child support hearing. This question was not prompted by the child’s father or his attorney. The mom answered no because she had bad reactions to vaccines in the past.…
Dr. Pierre Kory lays the smackdown on the FDA’s lies about Ivermectin
In a short series of tweets Dr. Pierre Kory corrects the lies the FDA is peddling about Ivermectin. Why is the FDA able to disseminate such disinformation about a drug that has been around forever, proven to be safe for humans, and won the Nobel Prize for treating diseases… in HUMANS?!? We are being lied…
Human immune system more effective than vaccines… duh
This should be something we already know. It used to be common knowledge that if infected and recovered you have natural immunity. This is why we don’t walk around in plastic bubbles worried about every damn virus and bacteria in the world. If anyone really looked into it they would be shocked at the viruses…