Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: peakstupid

  • Pandemic of Long COVID is fake news

    Pandemic of Long COVID is fake news

    A study out of Australia shows what the media and Medical Industrial Complex calls “Long COVID” is indistinguishable from seasonal flu and any other respiratory illness. There is no evidence of increased or prolonged illness a year after infection. Long COVID appears to manifest as a post-viral syndrome indistinguishable from seasonal influenza and other respiratory…

  • COVID-19 mRNA vaccines create unwanted proteins in the body

    COVID-19 mRNA vaccines create unwanted proteins in the body

    Further proof the largest experiment in human history was conducted on billions of people with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is vaccines do not only create the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein but also create different proteins by a process known as “frameshifting.” Frameshifting is a misread from the body of the mRNA code which creates different proteins than…

  • The January 6 tapes have been released by Speaker Johnson

    The January 6 tapes have been released by Speaker Johnson

    I don’t know if this is everything or not but I do know the Internet can finally get to work on this. What will people find? Somehow I doubt they’re going to find the worst attack on America since 9/11. I scrolled through some but it only showed things I have already seen. Not much…

  • CVS in Washington D.C. invents the Inconvenience Store

    CVS in Washington D.C. invents the Inconvenience Store

    Instead of shelves of goods to quickly grab and purchase they now have pictures of goods you can request for purchase. How much farther does our culture need to sink? This looks like a product memorial for things that used to exist. A CVS location in Washington DC was forced to wipe its shelves clean…

  • FDA silently releases info on mRNA Covid vaccines & seizures and convulsions in children ages 2 to 5

    FDA silently releases info on mRNA Covid vaccines & seizures and convulsions in children ages 2 to 5

    I say they silently released the information because there was no announcement. It was discovered by Alex Berenson when looking into an analysis of insurance claims databases released by the FDA. Young children had a significantly elevated risk of seizures and convulsions after receiving mRNA Covid jabs, Food and Drug Administration scientists have found. The…

  • Science journal used unsupported data to push COVID mask policies

    Science journal used unsupported data to push COVID mask policies

    The American Journal of Medicine published a study that looked at 77 studies used by the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) concerning masks. MMWR heavily influenced mask policies in the United States. This study found MMWR drew conclusions about mask wearing using unsupported data. MMWR publications pertaining to masks drew positive conclusions about mask…