Tag: peakstupid
2020/2021 we had a pandemic of fear and hysteria driven by incessant unnecessary testing
I’m not denying a lot of people died. I know they did, and I even knew a few. But that doesn’t change the facts of what actually happened over the last two years. What we had was a pandemic of fear and hysteria driven by constant unnecessary tests. Tests designed to produce positive results. It…
Anyone associated with news, that says something like this out loud, should no longer be associated with news
I don’t watch MSNBC and therefore I have not seen this show. I know of Nicolle Wallace but don’t know her history or her credentials. Is she a news anchor or an opinion host? Regardless, she should not be employed in the news business.
Vaccinations may not provide the overwhelming protection we’ve been told
Alex Berenson, the former NYT writer and Twitter banned independent journalist found the following statistics buried in a recent study about immune dysfunction and breakthrough infections after vaccination. But by far the most interesting figures in the study are contained in a single small table in an appendix. It compares the outcomes of the roughly…
Get your One-A-Day mRNA… TODAY!!
And it’s FREE While supplies last*
When your media water-carriers have to write articles explaining the difference between Covid and a cold… it’s over. — Alex Berenson
The question is no longer whether Omicron is a cold. It’s whether it’s as dangerous as a cold. (And, again, this has nothing to do with Covid vaccines; most South Africans are not vaccinated, and the pattern there was the same.) The only sane political move at this point is to drop ALL mandates –…
2021 Year in Review
Episode 28 I review the top 10 stories on my web site from 2021. All the links to those posts are below. Who ever sent me the 114 sats last week THANKS! Happy New Year folks. Value 4 ValueListen to this on Podfriend Shownotes Ivermectin: The COVID-19 treatment you’re not hearing about – Kevin Bae…