Tag: peakstupid
Unvaxxed Australians in the Northern Territory subject to solitary confinement
At least they can stay at home. They can only leave their homes for three reasons. Medical treatment Essential shopping – groceries Providing care to family that cannot suport themselves You’re no longer able to leave your house to go to work or even to exercise. Parts of Australia have fallen.
Brazilian reporter collapses live on-air 3 days after his mRNA booster shot
Rafael Silva, only 36 years old, reportedly had a heart attack live on the air while delivering the news. He reportedly had four more cardio infarctions while on the way to the hospital. This occurred 3 days after he received his mRNA booster shot. Silva reportedly suffered a heart attack — and then four more…
66% of patients that tested positive for COVID in L.A. County hospitals didn’t know they had it prior to being admitted
Two-thirds of patients in L.A. County hospitals that are being counted as COVID patients did not enter the hospital because they had COVID. They were admitted for other reasons and subsequently had positive tests. What we have is a pandemic of testing. Just wait until that new variant hits. It’ll make their heads explode! About…
How many times is Chicken Little going to shout, “the sky is falling”? This is the “IHU” variant and it has infected 12 people… count ’em 12… in the French Alps. SHUT THAT PLACE DOWN NOW!! The WHO says not to worry… FOR NOW. But we all know this one is the one that will…
CNN finally catching up to the science on COVID-19
Better late than never?? CNN is finally reporting that obesity is a major risk factor when it comes to severe COVID-19. Anyone who paid attention to the actual science new this March or April 2020. It was certainly known by May of 2020 because I took the Contact Tracing training and it was in their…
Oy with the “Flurona” already!
Just please stop. Enough! Flu-fucking-rona??? When you read the story you’ll discover that the flurona victim wasn’t sick and didn’t know she had anything. She’s a “new mother”, which tells me she was there to give birth or some other reason related to having a baby. The article never elaborates. The world’s first known case…