Tag: masshysteria
COVID policies seek to kill off individualists
Everything I’m about to type is going to sound batshit crazy to a lot of people. After a year and a half with the relentless push to control human behavior I’m fully convinced we’re not dealing with people of good intention. I honestly gave them the benefit of the doubt thinking they were just being…
Biden: “350 million Americans vaccinated” Number of Americans? 332 million
Maybe this is how he won the election. The United States vaccinated more Americans than there are Americans. It would be funny if this guy wasn’t the fucking President of the United States.
Soft drinks test positive for COVID-19
Kids in the UK are getting out of school by faking a positive COVID test by using soft drinks and juice. Ahhh SCIENCE!! Children are always going to find cunning ways to bunk off school, and the latest trick is to fake a positive Covid-19 lateral flow test (LFT) using soft drinks. [Videos of the trick have…
It’s immoral to give millions to incentivize vaccines when your state is broke
The Chicago Tribune asks the question, “Is it ethical to offer lottery entries in exchange for people to get vaccinated?” The answer is no. Especially when the state in question is Illinois and is drowning in hundreds of billions in pension debt. How about asking this question of Fat Blagojevich (aka Governor Pritzker) and the…
PCR tests changed the definition of infected
The PCR test is good at telling if the virus is present. It’s shit at telling you if you’re infected or if you are infectious.