Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: government

  • Hospitals and doctors get a spiff for COVID-19 patients

    It’s always nice to get a pay bump. But in this case we’re the suckers paying the bill. Are the number of infections and deaths related to COVID-19 inflated in order for the hospital systems to cash in because they can’t perform elective procedures? Hmmmm… Hospitals and doctors do get paid more for Medicare patients…

  • Boston University Failed AOC

    She is so poorly educated. It’s unconscionable that she received a degree from Boston University. They should refund her money or shut down the economics department if this is the kind of nonsense they teach.

  • It pays to be unemployed in Oregon during the COVID-19 pandemic

    This is just too funny. A company in Oregon can’t hire back their employees because they are making more now with the COVID-19 stimulus than when they were working. I wouldn’t go back to work either if the government was going to pay me to stay home. The starting wage for a line cook in…

  • Maybe I should move to Sweden

    Professor Johan Giesecke, an advisor to the Swedish government and one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists is interviewed about Sweden’s non-lockdown response to COVID-19 vs. the rest of the world. I started the clip at the part that makes my point but the entire interview is informative and not fear mongering. There is no…

  • Behold your future

    In the video above Bill Gates talks about digitally certifying people as COVID-19 free. This is crazy crazy talk. I’ve followed Bill Gate’s career, as many people have, and he is a great businessman but a terrible philanthropist. His dictatorial style and bare-knuckle business tactics have not worked in his philanthropic efforts. Since spending billions…

  • Top 10 things I learned so far during the COVID-19 Pandemic

    I’m going to have to vote for Donald Trump in November. One thing is crystal clear. Joe Biden is not equipped to handle much of anything. It’s not his fault he’s just not the same man he was even 4 years ago. The U.S. Dollar is nothing but funny money. How else can the government…