I found out about a free course offered by Johns Hopkins University to get certified to be a Contact Tracer. In the course they discuss the basics of the virus and its infectiousness. According to Johns Hopkins University SARS-CoV-2 (which causes the disease COVID-19) is NO MORE INFECTIOUS THAN SEASONAL INFLUENZA (See area circled in red in the slide above). Yes, you read that right. As part of training to become a contact tracer they teach you that you are at no more danger from getting COVID-19 than you are from getting the normal run of the mill average every day FLU.
If this is in fact the case, which I have no doubt that it is because Johns Hopkins University is the authority, what is going to happen to our society when the next flu season rolls around? Or say when a bad flu season rolls around? Do our “experts” and scientists expect the economy to shut down because of this? This is ridiculous.
What is a Contact Tracer anyway? We hear about them in the news all the time as being critical to the nation opening back up and life returning to normal. Well contact tracers are the people that will be intruding into your life to find out where you’ve been and who you associated with under the guise of stopping the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
The people employed as contact tracers aren’t the problem. They will be people like you and me and most likely just people looking for a job. Especially in this time when the government shut everything down. You can be sure a contact tracer’s job will be essential. The problem will be the data they will compile and what happens to it. The data will be a treasure trove of information about where you’ve been, who you associate with, and what you do in your spare time. I don’t know about you but unless we’re dealing with a disease that is like Ebola or a flesh eating bacteria that will kill you in a few days employing these human data miners is a huge infringement on our private lives and personal liberty.
I did pass my course by the way with a grade of 97%. According to them I made two errors. One error I believe is theirs. Here is the question:
Why is building rapport with cases and contacts important for contact tracing? Select all that apply
1. To help them understand that you are in charge
2. To help educate them about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
3. To help increase the chances that they will effectively isolate and quarantine.
4. To help collect complete, accurate information from them
I answered that 3 & 4 were correct. They said that I should have also included #2. I believe they are incorrect because educating someone about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 won’t help me contact trace. It will only let my interrogatees know about the virus.
My other error is most likely my fault. Here is the question:
In the following exchange, which active listening tool is Jacob using: paraphrasing or reflecting?
Contact: Geez, how could I be sick? I’ve been doing everything I can to avoid this. You’ve got to be kidding me!”
Jacob: You’re angry that you spent time nearby someone with coronavirus and upset that this is happening.
1. Paraphrasing
2. Reflecting
I said Jacob was paraphrasing when supposedly he was reflecting. To me they are the same thing. It’s just repeating back what the other person said. I know I lack the empathy needed to discern between the two. The distinctions are subtle to me.
What they call paraphrasing and reflecting I call annoying parroting. I don’t need someone to validate what I just said. I find it patronizing and quite frankly full of bullshit.
Here’s my certificate by the way.

I wonder what this gig pays?