Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: government

  • Straddling worlds is very confusing

    Mainstream news outlets and non-traditional news sites show Americans are living in parallel universes. They meet at the nexus of events but veer off onto one side or the other. Same facts different beliefs and those of us that pay attention to both sides are very confused. I read the Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune,…

  • The user friendly guide to the Electoral College and the U.S. Constitution Yesterday I posted about a movie you shouldn’t watch. Today I’m posting about a movie that is a must watch. So little of this is taught in school. You learn how a bill becomes a law, you learn the three branches of government, and you get a rudimentary education about factions and the Electoral…

  • 3 Reasons to Vote for Trump on November 3rd

    Economy President Obama’s economy was excruciatingly slow and stagnant for the lower 99% of the country. That’s the reason shortly after Trump was elected in 2016 that the stock market took off like a rocket and the U.S. economy’s growth accelerated. There was all this pent up demand and the entire US economy gave a…

  • Chicago & Illinois wasted $66 million for unused McCormick Place temp hospital

    It doesn’t matter if the temporary hospital was needed or not. Let’s give the government the benefit of the doubt that they were actually worried the hospital system in Chicago would be overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Let’s say they actually needed this facility that was capable of housing 2,750 patients. Instead of choosing a contractor…

  • A vote for Joe Biden is a vote against the USA

    I don’t agree with Joe Biden’s politics or policies. I always found him an affable man but one that is largely full of shit. You can say the exact same thing about President Trump without the affable part. But the difference between the two, and it is a giant difference, is that Joe Biden obviously…

  • Uncle Tom, a must watch movie

    If you care at all about freedom in the United States and the division being sowed between black and white people today, especially today, you need to watch Uncle Tom. This movie, produced by Larry Elder, is extremely important because it shows that the black community is not a single ideological voting block. It shows…