Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: government

  • Puppet masters and the puppet

    It is abundantly clear that Schumer, Pelosi, and Harris are the puppet masters that keep Joe Biden moving. It’s almost as if you can see them pulling the strings on his back. I don’t think Joe Biden will make it through the year before they cut his strings and we have the first woman president,…

  • Normal Vitamin D levels decrease COVID-19 symptom severity and hospitalization by 90%

    Dr. Ryan Cole of Cole Diagnostics unambiguously declares that the pandemic is over… at least in Idaho. The rest of the country is pretty much the same though. Here are some tidbits from his half hour presentation. Average age of a person dying from COVID-19 is 78.6 years. Exactly matches the average age of a…

  • When is a vaccine not a vaccine? When it comes from Pfizer under the FDA’s EUA… read it and weep

    Right out of the box at the bottom of the second paragraph of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer vaccine you get hit in the gut with this little gem. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is a vaccine and may prevent you from getting COVID-19. There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…

  • Why do Democrats abhor free speech?

    A girl doesn’t get onto the varsity cheerleading team and is unhappy. She makes a post on Snapchat, while off school grounds, to complain by flipping the school the bird and use some colorful language. The school suspended her and the parents took the school to court alleging the school violated the girl’s first amendment…

  • Eric Zorn pushes misinformation regarding who the U.S. Senate represents

    For the underinformed or poorly educated the United States Senate does not represent “the people” per se. They are there to represent the state from which they were elected. Elementary school civics teaches you this. If you don’t know this and you were educated in the United States you were either successfully propagandized or you…

  • “Equity” is inherently less than “Equal”

    What ever happened to the old saying, “Two wrongs don’t make a right”? That’s what the Biden Administration and Progressive Democrats are bringing you. They’ve found a word to replace the phrase, “social justice” and that is “Equity”. The problem is they’ve altered its meaning to fit their agenda. There is a subtle difference between…