Tag: coronavirus
Majority of patients not recovering after being put on ventilators
Reported yesterday by NPR. Why haven’t we seen this all over the news? I’m not quite sure what to make of this and why it’s not bigger news. Most coronavirus patients who end up on ventilators go on to die, according to several small studies from the U.S., China and Europe. And many of the…
Influenza vs. COVID-19 vs. Abortion
All information I’m citing is from the CDC’s web site. Influenza COVID-19 Abortion # of Cases 39,000,000 85,356 # of Deaths 24,000 1,246 623,471 (2016) 39 million vs. 85 thousand? 24,000 vs. 1,200? What the fuck are we doing to ourselves? We’re losing our shit over NOTHING. Why are we all of a sudden concerned…
Troops on the streets of the United States
Take a good look at the picture above. Do we really want this? Why are National Guard troops walking around NYC with automatic weapons dangling from their chests? Do they plan on shooting the Coronavirus? What are the guns for? Bringing in the National Guard to help out with the medical response or keeping supply…
2020-03-25 Chicago
As promised I went to downtown Chicago just to walk around. Turns out it wasn’t much of an act of defiance as there were plenty of people doing the same thing. Sure, the crowds of tourists are gone and there is little traffic because all the businesses are closed. But, people who live in the…
Regulations kill
For all those people who think we don’t have enough regulations watch this video by veteran journalist John Stossel. He shows how dumb state and federal regulations are responsible for the slow roll out of testing, the unavailability of hospital beds, and the shortage of doctors and nurses in some cities and states. The regulations…
Homeless have more liberty than your average taxpayer (assuming some homeless pay taxes)
Governor J.B. Pritzker’s illustrious Executive Order fantastically exempts homeless people from “sheltering in place.” So they’re free to spread the dreaded Coronavirus to anyone they come in contact with. But rest easy. They are “strongly” urged to obtain shelter. What stupid ass nonsense is this? In addition, these “shelter in place” orders aren’t worth the…