Tag: coronavirus
Update: Sun Ng off ventilator and improving after treatment with Ivermectin
In yet another case where hospitals and government regulation are getting between doctors and patients it took Sun Ng’s daughter 3 weeks to win a court case to allow a doctor to treat her father with Ivermectin. Coincidentally 5 days after starting treatment with Ivermectin Mr. Ng removed the ventilator tube on his own and…
Taiwan stops 2nd dose of Pfizer BioNTech vaccines for teens due to myocarditis risk
The science is in! We’re pushing so hard in the United States to give these to kids starting at age 5 while other countries are putting on the brakes. Hong Kong, the UK, and now Taiwan have all recognized the risk is significant for kids especially after that 2nd dose. Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC)…
French COVID study showed 60% didn’t know they had it
It’s an illness so dire that you have to be told you had it. That way you can feel bad about it or at least get a t-shirt saying you survived. The Journal of the American Medical Association has another stunning paper out, this one on post-Covid symptoms in almost 27,000 French adults. Researchers asked…
Illinois court rules unvaccinated doctor can administer Ivermectin at Naperville hospital
This is a double win for people with common sense and the rights of a doctor to treat his patient. The problem is that it took 3 WEEKS between the time the daughter requested the treatment for her father for the court to rule in her favor. The hospital should be sued for malpractice for…
Are experimental COVID-19 pills better than shots?
This seems like a psychological game. People that are “vaccine hesitant” might find a pill easier to swallow than an injection because an injection just feels more invasive doesn’t it? Either way you are taking something that is experimental. Pfizer just announced their new magic pill, Paxlovid, that is supposed to be 89% effective against…
China traps almost 34,000 people inside Shanghai Disneyland after one visitor tested positive for COVID-19
Gotta love the communists… and the government of New Zealand (New Zealand has nothing to do with this story. I just like comparing them to China and their zero COVID policies). A single woman failed her COVID-19 test and the Chinese government shut down the park and wouldn’t let almost 34,000 people leave the park…