Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Only a nation of ghouls can put a young woman on the path to being a man in 30 minutes

We are a nation of ghouls. What is wrong with our medical profession? How can people who are supposed to be concerned with a person’s health send them down such a horrible path? I know it’s money. I just can’t believe we are where we are. It’s hard to believe psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists (mental health providers as we call them today) would so quickly diagnose such permanent life altering decisions. It’s hard to believe a surgeon would administer a double mastectomy on healthy breasts. We’re cutting up healthy tissue to treat a mental disorder. What have we become?

After she filled out forms in the Planned Parenthood waiting room, a nurse led her to an exam room and handed her a consent form for “masculinizing hormone therapy.” 

Records show that a nurse practitioner asked about Hineman’s identity and desires; she noted that “patient has consulted with a mental health provider”—meaning Hineman had previously talked to therapists. The two discussed the “expected changes” related to testosterone—growing a beard and body hair, deepening voice, and that “changes to fertility may be permanent or reversible.” 

Then the first nurse took Hineman’s blood, and she was given a prescription for testosterone gel. She remembers all this taking under 30 minutes. 

The Free Press


