Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: Vice President Kamala Harris

  • Kamala rescues Biden when he forgets all about the Miami building collapse

    Kamala rescues Biden when he forgets all about the Miami building collapse

    Near the end of President Biden’s speech on his backstabbing “bipartisan” infrastructure deal, as he prepares to jump on his helicopter he’s stopped by Madame Vice President as she reminds him he forgot to talk about the collapse of the building in Miami. Ooops. The link below jumps right to the pertinent part. Don’t watch…

  • Why DOESN’T Kamala Harris just go to the damn border already?

    Why DOESN’T Kamala Harris just go to the damn border already?

    Biden taps Harris to take command of the illegal alien surge at the U.S./Mexico border. It’s hard to believe it was only 2 months ago. Then she doesn’t go and there are denials that she is even taking up the job of border security. “The Vice President is not doing the border,” a senior advisor…

  • Biden & Harris are absent from weekly COVID-19 task force meetings

    The governors of all 50 states have a weekly meeting with the White House COVID task force. They’ve been doing this since it was formed. Seems the task of protecting America from the dreaded SARS-CoV-2 virus is taking a back seat in the new administration. I can understand if President Biden isn’t in on the…

  • Compassion for Kamala. She may have PBA

    I was listening to the No Agenda Show this morning and they played a PSA for a condition known as PBA or Pseudobulbar Affect. It’s serious and our Vice President may be a sufferer. It’s important that Kamala Harris seek treatment today! If Joe Biden goes down from his dementia and Kamala Harris goes down…

  • We’re now one hyphen away from President Harris

    Further proof we’re being prepped for Kamala Harris to slide into the Oval Office, in my opinion, by the end of the year. A leaked email from an employee of a federal government agency reveals the White House is shifting toward a communication strategy that seeks to elevate Vice President Kamala Harris in all official…

  • Who is our President again?

    At the 4:58 minute mark Biden reveals who is really President of the United States. Biden seems like he can barely breathe any more.