Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: President Biden

  • Iranian aggression… hmmmm… who knew?

    Iranian aggression… hmmmm… who knew?

    The Biden Administration is ignoring some pretty hostile acts from Iran towards Americans and American interests. Where is legacy media in reporting on this? They’re too consumed with the bullshit around Ukraine, Roe v Wade, and COVID. Over the past six months, Iran has launched multiple ballistic missile and drone attacks on American allies like…

  • The worst bond market so far since 1842… another President Biden miracle

    The worst bond market so far since 1842… another President Biden miracle

    It was a good 180 year run. With the collapsing bond market, inflation, rising prices due to over regulation, supply chain issues from COVID policies, shortages due to the Ukraine/Russia conflict, and globalism in general run amok is it time to resurrect the misery index? I’m not a financial guru. I don’t actively invest in…

  • Why we suddenly feel the effects of inflation

    Why we suddenly feel the effects of inflation

    Inflation isn’t something that just happened. It’s been happening. It’s been rising for decades and government has been misinforming the public. Since the Ronald Reagan Administration the U.S. Government changed the way consumer inflation is calculated. In fact, inflation has been above 5% consistently and probably close to 7% on average until 2020. In 2020…

  • What if we’re the bad actors in the Russia/Ukraine conflict?

    What if we’re the bad actors in the Russia/Ukraine conflict?

    Is it possible that we’re the instigators in this conflict between Russia and Ukraine? It’s curious things flared up again shortly after President Biden took office. The same people are now in charge of our foreign policy that were in charge during the Obama Administration. You know… the last time things went bonkers over there.…

  • President Biden to release 9 days’ worth of oil from strategic reserves… over the next 6 months

    President Biden to release 9 days’ worth of oil from strategic reserves… over the next 6 months

    It’s time we stop pretending releasing oil from strategic reserves does anything other than make people think something is being done. The United States consumes over 20 million barrels of oil per day. The United States consumes an average of 20.6 million barrels of oil a day. Forty percent of that — 9.1 million barrels — is…

  • Is the Biden Administration purposely trying to weaken the United States?

    Is the Biden Administration purposely trying to weaken the United States?

    President Biden is too dimwitted to know he’s being ushered down the path to American irrelevance. Details of the potential new Saudi-Chinese oil-trading arrangements remain vague. The two sides have talked for years about pricing some oil sales in yuan, and it may not happen. Some 80% of global oil sales are priced in U.S.…