Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: President Biden

  • President Biden set to blame President Trump for Afghanistan debacle

    When President Biden speaks this afternoon we can expect him to shove all the blame for the mess in Afghanistan on President Trump. ABC News is first out there carrying the water for the Biden Administration. They are floating the trial balloons on the “Blame Trump” strategy for Biden. They know the Trump haters will…

  • Venezuela is our future if we don’t stop the march towards socialism

    Venezuela is our future if we don’t stop the march towards socialism

    Venezuela nationalized most of their big industries. Government pushed out the private sector in the name of equity and fairness for the people. The standard definition of socialism is “government ownership of the means of production.” When government takes ownership of the means of production, that is called “nationalization.” So the more a government nationalizes,…

  • Fartaceuticals


    I’m in such a bad mood. I talk COVID, Ivermectin, the evil of what’s happening and how it should be criminal. Hopefully happier times next week. Get ready for a downer! Send sats!

  • COVID policies seek to kill off individualists

    COVID policies seek to kill off individualists

    Everything I’m about to type is going to sound batshit crazy to a lot of people. After a year and a half with the relentless push to control human behavior I’m fully convinced we’re not dealing with people of good intention. I honestly gave them the benefit of the doubt thinking they were just being…

  • Biden: “350 million Americans vaccinated” Number of Americans? 332 million

    Biden: “350 million Americans vaccinated” Number of Americans? 332 million

    Maybe this is how he won the election. The United States vaccinated more Americans than there are Americans. It would be funny if this guy wasn’t the fucking President of the United States.

  • Maybe the CDC and Fauci finally went too far

    Maybe the CDC and Fauci finally went too far

    It takes normal people… the American people… to ask the relevant questions. While our government follows “The Science” it is becoming more evident to the country that science is not the same thing as “The Science”. He is The Hard Hat Intellectual indeed. I no longer believe our government lacks common sense. I believe they…