Tag: peakstupid
11 days after the Obama birthday bash Martha’s Vineyard emergency room jammed
Hmmmm. Is anyone going to call out President Obama for hosting a super spreader event? The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital is seeing its largest numbers of Covid and non-Covid related patients since the pandemic began, testing emergency room capacity as cases spike on-Island during the peak of summer. The Vineyard Gazette To be fair, though, their…
New York Times reports anti-covid dividers may facilitate infection
This is what happens when people panic and don’t think. Clear plastic barriers that have been erected everywhere to keep people from spreading their infested spittle may actually make things worse. Much like wearing masks that can cause viruses to accumulate on the mask viruses can accumulate in areas with lack of airflow. With a…
Israel showing true efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine
Pfizer is largely the vaccine distributed throughout Israel. It’s not turning out so well after 8 months. The best thing about governments is that when something isn’t working their solution is always that we just didn’t do enough of it. So, let’s roll out the boosters! The vast majority of Israel’s older population had received…
President Biden turns his back on American citizens
President Biden just gave another empty speech. This time it was about COVID-19 and vaccines. At the end he again takes no questions and turns his back on American citizens in Afghanistan with reporters shouting at him. He’s a disgrace.
Australian police pepper spray and arrest children for not wearing masks
Australia needs to be liberated. Their citizens are under some of the most tyrannical COVID restrictions. It’s so bad there the police are assaulting, pepper spraying, and arresting children for not wearing masks. How bad is this going to get?