Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: government

  • Gates Foundation partners with Gates Foundation and fails

    Gates Foundation partners with Gates Foundation and fails

    In this long Wall Street Journal article about how a utopian idea to distribute vaccines to the world’s healthcare workers failed miserable I found this gem of a paragraph. It’s highlighted in bold because I included paragraphs preceding and following the key text. Like Operation Warp Speed, the multibillion-dollar initiative the U.S. government would eventually…

  • Georgia Drivers and USB Shavers

    Georgia Drivers and USB Shavers

    The above two things have nothing in common… except for me. Here’s episode number 5 of That’s All I Got. Everything I blogged over the past week. Right to resist arrest in Georgia – Kevin Bae dot com Who didn’t know COVID-19 was cover for a power grab? – Kevin Bae dot com Regarding Bill…

  • Don’t worry that Mayor Lightfoot might be racist worry about the construction of real institutional racism

    Don’t worry that Mayor Lightfoot might be racist worry about the construction of real institutional racism

    Mayor Lori Lightfoot of my hometown, Chicago, Illinois, has outed herself as a possible racist. Here is a quote from the 2 page letter she sent out. The emphasis on two words are mine. I will be exclusively providing one-on-one interviews with journalists of color. Then in the very next sentence talks about fighting for…

  • Stop all welfare… all of it. Unless it’s UBI then I want my share

    Stop all welfare… all of it. Unless it’s UBI then I want my share

    I’m against all government subsidies. I’m against handing out taxpayer dollars to private entities of all kinds. Government should not deciding what industries thrive and which get deprecated to the dustbin of history. What I will take is the proposed Universal Basic Income (UBI). First because I have paid a disgusting amount in taxes over…

  • NPR reports, without reporting, covid-19 lockdown responsible for over 400k deaths

    NPR reports, without reporting, covid-19 lockdown responsible for over 400k deaths

    CDC has the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in the United States at 578,520. NPR is reporting on a new study that estimates over 900,000 people have died due to COVID-19… sort of. A new study estimates that the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. is more than 900,000,…

  • The Canadian Gestapo got their man

    Bravest man in North America was arrested today for holding “illegal church”. Their national anthem needs to be rewritten. They are no longer free. Who are they standing on guard for? It’s no longer thee. O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. With glowing hearts we see…