Tag: government
Man admits extra security at Bay Area Safeway doesn’t deter him from shoplifting
Gotta love California. Especially the San Francisco area. Local reporter for KPIX, Betty Yu, shows the new security gates put up inside a Bay Area Safeway. Then asks a couple of guys outside the store about them and one guy openly admits he continues to shoplift from that store and the gates deter nothing.
San Francisco Board of Education hates Asians
How else do you describe a system that openly discriminates against high achieving Asian students? You want to talk about systemic racism? It exists in education and it’s targeting Asians. Take a look at the happenings around Lowell High School. Lowell was 82% minority when the school board first attacked its admissions. But because these…
Los Angeles schools are vaccinating minors without parental consent
I think we’re way past evil now. A California mother has claimed that her 13-year-old son was told not to say anything after being given the COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for pizza at his school without her consent, according to a local report. Maribel Duarte told NBC Los Angeles on Monday that her son recently…
How going along to get along leads to the gas chamber from an Auschwitz survivor
When people and governments implement immoral rules, regulations, and laws, regardless of how of innocuous they may seem at first, it is important for the people in which those rules are targeting to refuse to comply. When you comply with immoral rules, regulations, and laws, even the small ones, they now know you can be…
Australia shows the future for us all if we don’t stop the madness now
The Australian’s COVID-19 Concentration Camp (what I refer to as the CCC) is where people are being involuntarily forced to quarantine. Even if they test negative but have been “exposed” to someone who tested positive they must quarantine. If the violate the rules inside the CCC they face $5,000 fines for each infraction. The staff…