Tag: government
When your media water-carriers have to write articles explaining the difference between Covid and a cold… it’s over. — Alex Berenson
The question is no longer whether Omicron is a cold. It’s whether it’s as dangerous as a cold. (And, again, this has nothing to do with Covid vaccines; most South Africans are not vaccinated, and the pattern there was the same.) The only sane political move at this point is to drop ALL mandates –…
FDA denied $10 COVID-19 rapid test in March 2020
Why didn’t the FDA approve these tests? What was the motivation? Other than the need to scare the public with sky high case counts of people who were not capable of spreading the virus, why else would they not approve a cheap at-home test? Meanwhile they rushed through experimental mRNA vaccines. Vaccines that you inject…
We are at an inflection point in the United States and Western Civilization
When police enforce immoral laws that violate the U.S. Constitution and an individual’s natural rights what is left for the citizenry to do? Local police across the world are enforcing mask and vaccine mandates by arresting people, fining them, putting them in camps, and in some cases jail. When the national government, particularly in the…
You really get your tax dollars’ worth with the head of the NIH, Dr. Francis Collins
These people are just laughing like crazy at what they’re able to do to the public. How arrogant is this?
I enjoy a good political awakening
There are more people that defined their politics as liberal or left of center discovering that the modern day Democrat Party no longer represents them. The Progressives have taken over and the change has not been for the better. They find themselves in the difficult position of agreeing with Republicans or, bite your tongue, Libertarians.…