Tag: Democrats
Democrats poised to steal an election in Iowa
A congressional election was had. There was a recount. Both times the Republican came out the winner. The results at the end was a mere 6 votes. But, according to the state, all the rules were followed and the vote was certified and the congressperson was sworn in and seated. The Democrats in congress are…
What do you call it when comedians leave the Democrat Party? Comedexit?
I’m not a huge fan of Sarah Silverman. I do like some of her comedy. I find her very funny when she’s not being terribly vulgar. What do comedians like her do when the “progressives” turn regressive. The Millennial Generation on down don’t seem to be able to take a joke.
Why do Democrats abhor free speech?
A girl doesn’t get onto the varsity cheerleading team and is unhappy. She makes a post on Snapchat, while off school grounds, to complain by flipping the school the bird and use some colorful language. The school suspended her and the parents took the school to court alleging the school violated the girl’s first amendment…
House Democrats ignore rules to ramrod minimum wage increase through
The Democrats have no shame. When the rules don’t favor them they obfuscate, avoid, circumvent, and even ignore them. An effort to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025 as part of the relief package was thrown into doubt after a ruling from the Senate parliamentarian late Thursday. The nonpartisan parliamentarian said that raising…
Georgia vs. Illinois on gun ownership
I have been living in Georgia for about four months and the differences between here and Illinois become more stark every day. A great example is obtaining a firearm concealed carry permit. It’s called a weapons carry license (WCL) in Georgia. In Illinois you have to first obtain a Firearms Owner’s Identification (FOID) card. You…
Why Georgia needs to remain red
I come from Illinois where the government never met a tax or fee it didn’t like. Living in Illinois for 53 years, never has a proposal been pushed to reduce taxes of any kind. We had one case where the state raised the income tax rate from 3% to 5% then rolled it back to…