Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: covid-19

  • CDC gets “The Science” from New York Times infographics

    CDC gets “The Science” from New York Times infographics

    Do you wonder why we should continue to trust “The Science”? “The initial COVID-19 strain had an R0 between two and three,” computational biologist Karthik Gangavarapu told NPR. The delta variant has an R0 between six and seven. For chickenpox, the R0 is nine or 10. How did the CDC conclude that these were equivalent? For one,…

  • Venezuela is our future if we don’t stop the march towards socialism

    Venezuela is our future if we don’t stop the march towards socialism

    Venezuela nationalized most of their big industries. Government pushed out the private sector in the name of equity and fairness for the people. The standard definition of socialism is “government ownership of the means of production.” When government takes ownership of the means of production, that is called “nationalization.” So the more a government nationalizes,…

  • All available data, to date, show masks are irrelevant to protect from SARS-CoV-2 infection

    All available data, to date, show masks are irrelevant to protect from SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Masks are the virtue signal du jour. It shows you care and probably shows you’re vaccinated (who else but a virtue signaler would still wear a mask after being vaccinated?). City Journal has a long article that picks apart the information the CDC and NIH use versus the full breadth of information and studies surrounding…

  • Will you board the train to the COVID Camp?

    Will you board the train to the COVID Camp?

    The information is dated July 26, 2020 and the references date to March 2020. So the possibility has been bandied about for more than a year. The CDC is calling it the “Shielding Approach” but make no mistake these are proposed COVID Camps. Seems silly doesn’t it until the government started calling this the “Pandemic…

  • Fartaceuticals


    I’m in such a bad mood. I talk COVID, Ivermectin, the evil of what’s happening and how it should be criminal. Hopefully happier times next week. Get ready for a downer! Send sats!

  • COVID policies seek to kill off individualists

    COVID policies seek to kill off individualists

    Everything I’m about to type is going to sound batshit crazy to a lot of people. After a year and a half with the relentless push to control human behavior I’m fully convinced we’re not dealing with people of good intention. I honestly gave them the benefit of the doubt thinking they were just being…