Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: coronavirus

  • Joe Biden is not qualified to handle COVID-19

    I’m not a fan of President Trump. I didn’t vote for him in 2016. I don’t want to vote for him this year either. But, I don’t think there will be any other choice. Does anyone honestly think that Joe Biden is equipped to handle anything of this magnitude? What if there was an actual…

  • Letter to the editor of the Chicago Tribune

    I just fired off this letter to the editor. Hopefully it gets printed and people don’t try to string me up for having lack of compassion for my fellow man. I just think that everything the American people and the federal government are doing is far in excess of what was required. Here is the…

  • World Governments are attacking the COVID-19 pandemic in the wrong way

    When this all started the mixed messages didn’t make sense to me. The media was screaming like Chicken Little that the sky was falling while at the same time, and most times in the same story, telling us that more than 80% of the infected will have little to mild symptoms with only the elderly…

  • We’re watching a live experiment in socialism versus capitalism

    Toilet paper, paper towels, and hand sanitizer for some stupid reason are being bought up like tomorrow will never come. In a socialist society supply can’t meet demand because government controls the means of production and prices. In this case the government, in cahoots with large corporations, is applying implied price control and are also…

  • State of Kentucky imprisons man in his own home for refusing to self-quarantine

    This is what this madness has come to. A virus in which it appears that 97% of all infected fully recover has spread such panic that the governor of the State of Kentucky ordered a man to be imprisoned in his own home because he refused to self-quarantine. The patient from Nelson County is a…

  • Is COVID-19 the silver bullet?

    The attempt to prove Trump colluded with Russia failed. The impeachment and subsequent acquittal in the Senate left Trump more popular. The pandemic of COVID-19 however, is the event the media and the Democrats have been looking for to kill off a Trump re-election. The media, the Democrats, and some Republicans have loathed President Trump…