Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: coronavirus

  • Mega Testing Diagnostic Platforms

    Watch your red blood cells citizen good ole Uncle Bill is out to perform mega tests on them and rapidly roll out untested mRNA vaccines and monoclonal antibodies on the world. To start, there has never been a successfully developed and deployed coronavirus vaccine to humans. The vaccines developed for SARS-CoV-2 are novel vaccines. Nobody…

  • Silver Lining: COVID-19 killed the seasonal flu

    In a shitty year of government authority run amuck and the new religion of “science” (not real science but the science of confirmation bias) taking over the globe it seems there is a silver lining in all of this. The SARS-CoV-2 virus resulting in the dreaded COVID-19 disease has successfully done what no vaccine could.…

  • Dr. Fauci and the New York Times confirmed the PCR tests are too sensitive to be considered worth anything In July of this year Dr. Fauci was on a podcast where they talked about the PCR tests, which are so beloved by the news media, and how a positive test using a cycle threshold of greater than 35 is essentially worthless. Then, in August of this year the New York Times ran a…

  • SARS-CoV-2 enters the lungs and attacks our blood vessels

    Doctors and scientists are still struggling to figure out what is going on with this virus and why it is killing the people it’s killing. Symptoms are flu-like in the beginning, then pneumonia-like in the middle, but the end result seems to be that those symptoms are deceptive. The virus seems to be causing blood…

  • Contact Tracing Administration – The future federal waste of tax dollars

    Let’s count the days until the Department of Health and Human Services has a new division called the Contact Tracing Administration. Or, maybe it will fall under the Department of Homeland Security since virus infiltration into the nation is sure to be a national security threat. I can see these agents now showing up at…

  • Scared of what is not dangerous

    We’re now reaping what we have sowed. Anti-bullying, participation trophies, helicopter parents, no keeping score, no more valedictorians, safe spaces, cancel culture, and on and on and on. We’ve been softened to the point where we are scared of things that aren’t dangerous. We have met the boogeyman and he is us. Imagine if an…